Manuel Camacho has a Law Degree and specialization in Mexican immigration law and a Masters in International Business Administration.

He began his professional experience in the industry of international education in 2005, he is International Business Partner and Director of LINK EDUCATION AND TRAVEL – LET group, which represents 8 companies specialized in: international education, operator of educational and tourist groups, migration, lodging, and tourism. They currently have physical offices in Toronto, Canada and different cities in Mexico, as well as representations in Colombia, Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal.

He is currently the President of the Education Committee of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Mexico (CANCHAM); Member of the Board of Directors of the Mexican Association of Educational Tourism (AMTE), currently being the Treasurer; member of the board of directors of the Mexican group of travel agencies and tourism companies (GMA); also the Director of Public Relations at Casta Latina association in Canada (castalatina.org)


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